Vendor List

Vendor List

The initial window displays the list of vendors which the device owner is authorized to manage. Selecting a vendor from the list will open a window displaying all the upcoming events for that vendor.

Event List

Event List

The event list window displays all the upcoming events for the selected vendor. Selecting an event will open a window displaying merchants and packages for that event. If there is more than show for an event, a window will open displaying all the upcoming dates and times.

Show Dates & Times

Show Dates & Times

This window displays the upcoming show dates and times for the selected event. Selecting a date/time will open a window displaying all the packages and merchants associated with that show.

Merchant Packages

Merchant Packages

This window displays the merchants and packages associated with the selected show. Use the on/off switch to activate or deactivate that merchant or package. Selecting an entry will open a window displaying its associated customer types.

Customer Types

Customer Types

This window displays the customer types and retail prices associated with the selected merchant or package. Selecting a customer type will open a window displaying the customer type details.

Customer Types

Edit Customer Type

This window displays customer type detail information. Select an entry to change its value.